In a recent statement, the Registrar of the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB), Professor Ishaq Oloyede, shed light on the rationale behind the one-year validity period of JAMB exam results. He emphasized that the purpose of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) is to rank students rather than serve as a long-term assessment of their academic achievement.

JAMB exams play a pivotal role in Nigeria’s higher education landscape, serving as a gateway for students seeking admission into universities. Unlike assessments that gauge students’ cumulative learning over an extended period, the UTME is designed to evaluate students’ performance relative to their peers during a single examination session.


As such, the validity of JAMB results is limited to one year to ensure fairness and accuracy in the ranking process. This practice enables universities to make informed decisions based on the most current performance data available for applicants.


Professor Oloyede’s clarification underscores the importance of understanding the nature and purpose of JAMB exams for students and educational institutions alike. By recognizing the ranking-oriented nature of the assessment, students can better prepare for the exam and navigate the admissions process effectively.

Read Also: 55 Universities in Nigeria Accepting 140 JAMB Score for 2024/2025

Overall, the Registrar’s explanation provides valuable insight into the rationale behind the one-year validity period of JAMB results, reinforcing transparency and fairness in Nigeria’s higher education admissions system.

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