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Best Rock Climbing Apps for Android and iOS in 2024


Rock climbing has surged in popularity, and technology is keeping pace with a variety of apps designed to enhance your climbing experience. Here are the best rock climbing apps for Android and iOS in 2024:

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1. MyClimb:

This app allows climbers to track their climbs, set goals, and connect with a global community. Its user-friendly interface makes logging climbs a breeze.


2. Mountain Project:

With an extensive database of routes and areas, Mountain Project is indispensable for climbers. It provides detailed descriptions, photos, and maps.

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3. Crimpd:

Developed by professional climbers, Crimpd offers training programs and exercises to improve your climbing skills.


4. KAYA Climb:

KAYA Climb is perfect for indoor climbers, providing route tracking and analytics to enhance performance.

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5. Toplogger:

Toplogger is ideal for bouldering enthusiasts, offering route logging, competitions, and community challenges.


These apps not only improve safety and performance but also foster a sense of community among climbers worldwide.

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