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10+ Best Tech Blogs and Bloggers in Nigeria in 2024

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Nigeria’s tech scene is booming, and so is its tech blogging landscape. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or a professional looking for the latest updates, these tech blogs are your go-to sources:


1. Techpoint Africa

One of the most authoritative voices in African tech, Techpoint Africa delivers comprehensive news, insightful articles, and in-depth analysis of the tech ecosystem. From startup stories to market trends, they cover it all.


2. TechCabal

Known for its incisive reporting and engaging content, TechCabal is a staple for anyone interested in African technology. They provide a mix of news, features, and opinions, offering a deep dive into the continent’s tech developments.


3. NaijaTechGuide

This blog is a treasure trove of information, featuring detailed guides, product reviews, and buying tips. NaijaTechGuide is perfect for those seeking advice on gadgets, software, and tech services.


4. Ogbonge Blog

Run by Jide Ogunsanya, Ogbonge Blog offers a variety of tutorials, tech news, and digital marketing tips. It’s a valuable resource for bloggers, entrepreneurs, and tech enthusiasts looking to improve their digital presence.


5. MissTechy

If you prefer tech content with a unique and engaging twist, MissTechy is the blog for you. It offers reviews, tech news, and personal insights, making technology accessible and fun.


6. TechRez

Focused on gadgets, apps, and tech news, TechRez provides concise and informative content. It’s a great resource for keeping up with the latest in consumer technology.


7. TechNext

Covering tech, business, and digital innovation, TechNext delivers up-to-date news and insightful analysis. It’s an essential read for anyone interested in the intersection of technology and business.

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8. TechCity

Offering insights into tech trends, startups, and innovations, TechCity is a go-to source for anyone looking to stay ahead in the tech world. Their coverage includes interviews, reviews, and industry news.

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9. MobilityArena

Specializing in mobile technology, MobilityArena offers detailed reviews, comparisons, and news about the latest smartphones and gadgets. It’s perfect for mobile tech enthusiasts.


10. TechEconomy

Delivering tech news with a focus on the economic implications, TechEconomy covers how technology is shaping the business landscape. It’s an excellent resource for understanding the broader impact of tech developments.


11. GeekSNG

For tech tutorials, news, and reviews, GeekSNG is a comprehensive resource. It provides practical advice and up-to-date information for tech users and enthusiasts alike.

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