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MTN, Airtel, Glo And 9Mobile On Their Way To Hike Tariff on Calls and Data

Telecommunication operators in Nigeria, represented by the Association of Licensed Telecom Companies of Nigeria (ALTON) and the Association of Telecom Companies of Nigeria (ATCON), have sought approval for new pricing structures for calls, data, and SMS services. The move comes as the industry faces various challenges, including multiple taxation, regulatory constraints, and inadequate infrastructure.

According to a joint statement released by ALTON and ATCON, the current pricing framework is not sustainable and fails to reflect the actual cost of services. The associations emphasized the need for tariff adjustments to ensure the industry’s financial sustainability amidst rising operational costs.

The telecommunications sector, which includes major players like MTN, Airtel, and Globacom Limited, requires significant investments in network expansion, maintenance, and technology upgrades. However, the current price control mechanism, which has remained unchanged for over a decade, poses a threat to the industry’s viability and investor confidence.

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ALTON and ATCON urged the Federal Government to engage in constructive dialogue with industry stakeholders to address pricing challenges and create a framework that balances consumer affordability with operators’ financial viability. They also called for measures to safeguard telecom infrastructure from vandalism and theft, which contribute to service disruptions and revenue losses.

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In response to the industry’s concerns, the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) introduced new directives to enhance customer experiences and relationships. These directives aim to ensure that telecom companies attend to customers promptly and provide efficient service delivery across all service centers nationwide.

Despite resistance from consumer advocacy groups like the National Association of Telecommunications Subscribers (NATCOMS), telecom operators are pushing for tariff adjustments to sustain their operations and support continued investments in infrastructure development.

As the telecom industry navigates these challenges, stakeholders await further developments and policy interventions to address the sector’s pressing issues and ensure sustainable growth.

For more updates on this developing story and other tech-related news, stay tuned to marketinghub for the latest updates and insights.

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