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It Is very Important that one take at least one week to monitor and observe the Companies that piqued your Interest before you  Invest in the stock market, be it Nigeria and US or even Chinese stock markets

Aside from the fact that It Is advisable to stick to the companies that you are familiar with and utilize their products on a day-to-day basis, there are definitely other amazing companies out there that you can consider.

One simple way to monitor these companies Is to simply create a watch list on whatever investing app you are currently using. The viability of the Companies can be monitored directly from the Investing Apps.

However, You can take It a step ahead by downloading an App specifically designed for that purpose. want to take this a little bit serious. This App Is called INVESTING on Google Playstore.

On the app you can easily track the most active companies, the top gainers, the top losers and  the most undervalued companies.

It’s also very important that you consider companies that pay dividends and that’s if you are interested in companies that pay dividends. To check if a particular company is paying dividends, follow the following steps;

— Click on whatever company you want to check

— Scroll Sideways until you see the Dividends Tab

— Click on the Tab.

You will be able to see if the Company is paying Dividends. Watch The Video Tutorial At The End Of This Blog Post.

This App can be used to monitor Companies both In the Nigerian stock market and the US Stock Market.

Watch The Video Tutorial Below For More Details 👇

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