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Dear Parents,
You will agree with me that these days it’s very difficult to monitor what your kids are doing on the internet. Now you might say you don’t want to give them a phone but the schools and the programs they do will actually require that you give them a phone.

Now how do you monitor what they do inside that phone? How do you monitor who they talk to, the website they visit? What if I told you I have a solution for you?
I have something I want to show you that will actually help you control what your kids are doing in their phone and even lock the phone when necessary.

There’s an app actually called Kids Locks app.
It’s available on both the Play Store and the App Store. Now this app is a magic one for parents because with this phone right now, you can actually lock their phone, control whatever is going on here, lock apps, turn off internet access and all of that.

So you can download the app from the Play Store. Now I’m not going to walk you through the process of setting it up. Setting up is very easy. You just put your PIN and all of that and the app is ready for you to use.

First of all, let me show you some cool things you can actually do as the parent. First of all, when you open the app, It’s going to ask you to put your password or your pattern.
First of all, you have to download the app on your kid’s phone and then you download it on your phone as the parent.

And the good thing is that even if you have 10 children, you can add all 10 children here. And here are some cool things.

Number one, you can take a screenshot of what is going on their phone without them knowing.

And now it gets even better. If you go under apps here, you can go to block apps and then you can choose a social media app for instance.

And let’s say you want to lock their Instagram. You don’t want her to have access on Instagram. You can tap on Lock and the Instagram is locked.
Your child can actually beg you for more time and say ask for more time, you’re going to get an alert on your device here saying that your daughter is asking for more time. So you can choose to give her 10, 20 minutes, 30 minutes or you can outrightly just reject the request.

You can lock their device settings so that they do not go and uninstall the app. So if you tap on Settings now, you can see now that they cannot get into her settings.

Also you can actually lock your child from going to the app store or the Play Store.

It doesn’t end there. You can actually stop your child from deleting any app on their device. So once I do this, if the child tries to delete any app on their device, it won’t go through. And here’s where it gets even more interesting.

You can actually go under Statistics here. You are going to see what your child has been searching on the internet, the times that he or she has searched for it. And then if you come down here, you are going to see the websites that your child has been visiting, the time he or she visited them, and then you can even check their location to know where they are at every point in time.

And then this is the part I love most. Under App Usage, you can actually see the apps that your child spends the most time on and then try to regulate it if necessary. And with this app, you as the parent can even cut off internet access to your child.

If there are sites that you don’t want them to visit, you can actually add them under restriction. Basically, this app just gives you total control to see what your child is doing on the internet or on their phone.

So download this app, try it, let me know what your results are.

Watch the video below for more details 👇

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