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A famous Tiktoker and Tech Content Creator, Chuks Neku has declared In a video that he won’t do live streaming on some of MohBad’s Songs despite while surfing through streaming platforms.

He made this known In a post he made on his TikTok page today. Chuks also went further to unveil the reason why he has decided to stream only part of MohBad’s Songs and neglect the other ones.

According to Chuks, some of the albums of MohBad’s Songs are owned by Marlian Records. “When I checked the copyright of those albums, some of them belong to Marlians”

“I don’t want those people to benefit the profit that accrues through the streaming. In Digital Streaming, Artistes don’t own the Songs. The Songs are owned by their Record Labels.” He added.

The Techie also went further to explain that Artistes are just like employees of their Record Labels. He explained that some of the Deals Artistes sign with their Record might prevent the Artistes from benefiting from their Live Streams when they leave the Record Labels.

Chuks expressed his suspicion that those who would like to make money from the streams of MohBad’s Songs might be behind the sudden promotions of the songs on streaming platforms. “They know people would want to pay their last respect to him.” He said

In Digital Streaming, all Revenues are aggregated and combined to be paid to a Digital Distributor. The Distributors In turn pays the money to the Record Labels. Thereafter, the record labels pay a percentage of the money to the Artistes.

“MohBad’s Family may not get any benefits from the Streams of those songs he made under Marlian Music. This Is why I have been struggling to stream the songs” Chuk’s retorted.

However, he maintained that those who really want to support MohBad should stream the Songs released In his latest album. That was an Independent album MohBad made after he left the Record Label and his family have total control over It.

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