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Top 7 Baby Book Apps for Android and iOS in 2024


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Keeping track of your baby’s milestones and memories is a cherished activity for many parents. In the digital age, baby book apps offer a convenient way to document and preserve these precious moments. Here are the top 7 baby book apps for Android and iOS in 2024.


Baby Album – Your Digital Baby Book

Available on;  Android, iOS


Baby Album is a user-friendly app that allows parents to create a comprehensive digital baby book. With features like photo uploads, milestone tracking, and personalized stories, this app is a favorite among new parents.


2. Tinybeans – Capture & Share Family Moments


Available on: Android, iOS


Tinybeans offers a secure platform for parents to share their baby’s milestones with family and friends. The app includes photo and video sharing, developmental tracking, and personalized photo books.

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3. Lifecake – Baby Photo & Video Journal


Available on: Android, iOS


Lifecake, by Canon, is a popular app for creating a visual timeline of your baby’s growth. Parents can upload photos and videos, add captions, and invite family members to view and contribute to the timeline.


4. Baby Pics – Baby Milestone Photos


Available on: Android, iOS


Baby Pics is perfect for parents who love adding creative touches to their baby’s photos. The app offers a variety of stickers, artwork, and fonts to enhance pictures and create beautiful milestone images.

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5. Totsie – Baby Photo Editor


Available on: Android, iOS


Totsie combines photo editing tools with milestone tracking, allowing parents to document their baby’s growth creatively. The app features customizable templates, artwork, and an intuitive user interface.


6. Moment Garden – Baby Journal


Available on: Android, iOS


Moment Garden focuses on journaling and sharing moments privately. Parents can write entries, upload photos, and create a secure, private garden where family members can view and comment on updates.


7. Peekaboo Moments – Babybook


Available on: Android, iOS


Peekaboo Moments offers a comprehensive digital baby book experience. Parents can track milestones, growth charts, and medical records, making it a versatile tool for documenting their baby’s development.




These top 7 baby book apps for Android and iOS in 2024 offer a range of features to help parents capture and cherish their baby’s milestones. Whether you’re looking for creative photo editing tools or secure sharing options, these apps provide excellent solutions for preserving precious memories.

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