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Breaking: NLC Takes Action as Tinubu’s Government Offers N57,000 as New Minimum Wage

The ongoing negotiations over Nigeria’s minimum wage have taken a significant turn as the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) adjust their demands in response to the federal government’s latest proposal. This article delves into the recent developments and the implications for Nigerian workers.

The debate over Nigeria’s minimum wage has been intense. Initially, the NLC demanded N615,000 per month, a figure they argued was necessary to meet the rising cost of living and ensure a decent standard of living for workers. However, the federal government, led by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, countered with a significantly lower offer, citing financial constraints.


Recent Developments

 Reduction in Labour’s Demand

On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, organized labour made a fresh proposal, reducing their demand from N500,000 to N497,000. This was a strategic move aimed at reaching a middle ground with the government, which had offered N57,000. This reduction marks a significant departure from their initial demand of N615,000, highlighting their willingness to negotiate and find a compromise .

The Federal Government’s Proposal

The federal government and the Organized Private Sector (OPS) proposed N57,000 as the new minimum wage. This offer is a slight increase from their earlier proposal of N54,000, reflecting ongoing discussions and the OPS’s incremental adjustment to accommodate the demands of organized labour .

 Reasons Behind the Demands

The NLC and TUC argue that the high cost of living necessitates a higher minimum wage. They point to inflation, the devaluation of the Naira, and rising costs of essential goods and services as key factors driving their demands. Labour leaders have emphasized that a substantial increase in the minimum wage is critical to ensure that workers can afford basic necessities and maintain a reasonable quality of life .

 Government’s Position

The federal government, however, contends that its financial capacity and the economic state of the nation do not support such a significant wage increase. They have highlighted the limited resources and the economic pressures facing both the public and private sectors. The government has also expressed concerns about the potential impact of a high minimum wage on the broader economy, including inflationary pressures and the sustainability of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) .

 Implications for Nigerian Workers

The proposed N57,000 minimum wage represents a modest increase but falls short of the demands from organized labour. If accepted, it would mean a slight improvement in the earnings of Nigerian workers, though still significantly below the amount labour unions argue is necessary to meet living expenses.

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 Responses from Stakeholders

Despite their reduced demand, the NLC and TUC have maintained a firm stance, advocating for a minimum wage that truly reflects the economic realities faced by workers. They have also indicated a willingness to continue negotiations, seeking a figure that balances the needs of workers with the economic capabilities of employers .


The federal government have reiterated their commitment to finding a sustainable solution that supports economic stability while addressing the welfare of workers. They emphasize the need for a balanced approach that considers the financial health of both the public sector and private enterprises .

The negotiations over Nigeria’s minimum wage are at a critical juncture, with organized labour reducing their demands and the government slightly increasing their offer. The outcome of these negotiations will significantly impact the livelihoods of millions of Nigerian workers. As both sides continue to negotiate, the focus remains on finding a sustainable and fair resolution that addresses the economic realities and supports the welfare of all stakeholders involved.


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